New Scanning Technique To Detect Prostate Cancer – Raj Talks To The Mail

Men with suspected prostate cancer could be spared painful and risky needle biopsy tests thanks to a new scanning technique that can detect tumours just as accurately, a new study has found.

Currently, if doctors believe a man is suffering symptoms that indicate the disease, he will first be offered a blood test that looks for raised levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), a protein produced by the prostate gland.

Proessor Raj Persad, consultant urologist at North Bristol NHS Trust who took part in the study at Southmead Hospital, said:

‘Accurate treatment of prostate cancer depends on accurate diagnosis, but PSA levels can vary widely and are affected by prostate size, age, recent surgery, how recently a man has had sex, and even cycling, so they are a very inaccurate guide.

And a TRUS biopsy effectively takes tissue samples at random, and so may miss a cancer entirely so we may give a patient the all-clear when they actually have a clinically significant cancer.’

Read the full article on the Daily Mail: